How to try viagra

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  • ed may be caused by underlying vascular disease. if you have vascual disease and have not spoken to your gp about your ed, we would recommend you do.
  • fatal reaction:  there can be a fatal reaction between ed tablets and nitrate medications such as gtn spray. you must not take or purchase ed medication from us if you take nicorandil, a gtn spray, tablets, patch, gel or cream or any nitrate tablets (usually for heart conditions).

you should not take cialis if you 

  • 1. register

    if your gp is enrolled in the nhs electronic prescription service, you can register to order your scripts online

  • 2. order your medicines

    once registered, let us know which medicines you need, and we will order these on your behalf.

  • 3. dispensing + delivery

    once we receive your prescriptions from the surgery, our pharmacy dispenses and dispatches your medication.

find out more
how it works
  • health
  • diabetes
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • .
  • skin care
  • head lice / scabies
  • cold sores .
  • directions

    how to take cialis

    10mg / 20mg dosages

    take one tablet 30-60 minutes before sexual activity. do not take more than one tablet in 72 hours.

    not to be used daily. read information leaflet before use.

    seek emergency care if suffering from an erection lasting more than 4 hours.

    leave 72 hours before taking any other erectile dysfunction medication.

    2.5mg / 5mg dosages

    take one tablet daily. read information leaflet before use.


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